Longmont, CO | nate@natemeier.com | 720-310-5083


Lots of professional experience with data pipeline orchestration, big data on Spark, cloud providers, bare metal, relational database design, task automation, and popular python data science and web libraries. University background in geospatial data processing, analysis, and visualization.

Life-long learner with a growth mindset, positive attitude, and passion for the outdoors.


Lead Data Engineer @ GridX
June 2024 - Present

Engineer on the data platform team.

Lead Software Engineer @ Headway Cooperative
June 2022 - June 2024

Software and data engineering for energy tech companies.

Senior Data Engineer @ LogRhythm
February 2020 - May 2022

Data engineer on the CloudAI team.

Senior Data Engineer @ Uplight (Formerly Tendril Networks)
February 2019 - January 2020

Functioned as lead data engineer during an internal migration to a new data platform (described below), which involves consulting with internal teams to train users and develop new platform features based on their feedback.

Founder and chairman of the "Data Engineering Guild", which consisted of about 15 data engineers and scientists who met biweekly to get feedback, discuss data platform architecture, share lessons learned, and spread best practices.

Data Engineer @ Tendril Networks
August 2017 - February 2019

Modernized the data infrastructure at Tendril; architected and built a data platform using Apache Airflow and Spark that is used company-wide for batch data processing.

Contributed the infrastructure-as-code, as well as the custom Airflow operators and tools that functioned as the standard interface to Spark-based models and applications.

Software Engineer @ Churchill Navigation
October 2015 - August 2017

Developed new features for a multi-tenant web app used for archiving and searching through video files that contained GPS data. Users could upload geospatial videos (embedded GPS data in video KLV) and view them with geographic context (video and map, side-by-side; showed camera location, FOV, etc). The application provided geospatial video reporting, allowing users to define geographic regions and produce reports pertaining to the video taken in those regions (time in area, area covered, etc), plus insight and statistics. This saved customers hundreds of hours of digging through videos stored on hard media by returning geographic video matches in seconds.

The main technologies used were JavaScript, Python (Flask), PostgreSQL, PostGIS, nginx, Ansible, and a smattering of AWS services.

Cryptologic Language Analyst (1N3X1), Korean @ United States Air Force
June 2006 - June 2012

Worked in various roles as a Korean Language Analyst, which involved 63 weeks of intensive Korean language courses at the Defense Language Institute, and being stationed abroad at Osan AB in South Korea and state-side at Fort Meade, MD. My work experience in the Air Force isn't totally relevant to my career as a software engineer, but it is something that I did, and it's a part of my life.

Worked as a Command Language Progam Manager (CLPM). Managed squadron-level training program (130+ personnel); developed education policy leading to 20% increase in unit language proficiency scores as measured by DLPT V (Manager, Command Language Program August 2010 - June 2012)

Worked as a shift lead, Led 12-person international team tasked with safety of intelligence aircraft by conducting target radio frequency searches (Supervisor, Conventional Systems July 2009 - August 2010)

Operated radios to find, identify, transcribe, and translate time-sensitive target military communication (Senior Voice Operator, Conventional Systems August 2008 - July 2009)


Software Engineering Bootcamp
Hack Reactor
Summer 2015
San Francisco, CA, USA

B.S. Geoscience
Penn State University, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Spring 2015
State College, PA, USA

A.A.S. Intelligence Studies and Technology
Community College of the Air Force
Spring 2012
Fort Meade, MD, USAA

Certificate of Completion, Regular Program
Yonsei University Korean Language Institute
Spring 2010
Seoul, ROK

A.A. Korean
Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center
Winter 2008
Monterey, CA, USA

Personal Stuff

I grew up in Western PA, where I delivered newspapers as a kid and played bass in band called Garage Sale. I spent six years in the Air Force working as a Korean translator, used the G.I. bill to study rocks and math at Penn State, applied myself to get into working in software, then moved to Colorado for something new.